Black & LoBello on AM720 KDWN
Listen to the Legal Hour on AM720 KDWN from October 15th, 2014 in which in which Steven Mack, Esq., and special guest, John Glenn Watkins, Esq., discuss Mr. Watkin’s professional background (1:45), medical marijuana laws (4:45), the Jessica Williams DUI case (9:45), financing medical marijuana distributor leases (13:30), prosecution of marijuana (17:15), impairment laws (20:00)(26:00), determining impairment (22:15), police and video (23:45), DUI defense (30:15) and sobriety tests and warrants (32:15).
Click here to listen to the Legal Hour on KDWN AM720 recorded on October 15th, 2014.
Please tune in to AM720 KDWN’s “Legal Hour,” every Wednesday, from 9 AM to 10 AM. Listen live on the radio or online. Feel free to call in with your comments or questions at 702-257-5396.
To listen to past shows, visit our Media page.