Black & LoBello on AM720 KDWN

Tune in as Black & LoBello offers free legal advice on a wide range of topicsClick here to listen to the Legal Hour on KDWN AM720 from November 30th, 2011 in which Managing Partner, Tisha Black Chernine, Esq., discusses the Nevada Secretary of State’s decision on home-based business exemptions, the latest developments in the Tracey Lawrence robo-signing fraud case (2:12),  what to consider before attempting a short sale (12:15), how to argue a landlord/tenant dispute (17:27), how to apply the robo-signing fraud case to specific foreclosure cases (22:20),  how to determine ownership of a property (29:37) and what documents should be disclosed by the lender in the loan modification process (35:30).

Please tune in to AM720 KDWN’s “Legal Hour,” everyday, from 9 AM to 10 AM.  Listen live on the radio or online.   Feel free to call in with your comments or questions at 702-257-5396.

To listen to past shows, visit our Media page.

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