Listen to the Legal Hour on AM720 KDWN from November 19th, 2014 in which Michael Li, Esq., discusses Caesars’ corporate bankruptcy (1:15), liquidation vs. debt readjustment (8:00), the housing market (10:00), stripping off 2nd mortgage (12:15),
Listen to the Legal Hour on AM720 KDWN from July 30th, 2014 in which Managing Partner, Tisha Black Chernine, Esq., and singer/songwriter Sierra Black discuss Ms. Black’s singing career (2:45)(19:33), protecting intellectual property (5:50), imp
Listen to the Legal Hour on AM720 KDWN from January 22nd, 2014 in which Jeffrey J. Whitehead, Esq., and Nick Jones from Company InSite discuss starting a small business (2:30), business entities (6:45)(16:00), stay-at-home businesses (8:10), Social M