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Ethical Concerns for Real Estate Licensees With an Emphasis on Community Property Issues CE Course
This informative CE course will discuss common ethical issues and dilemmas with an active opportunity to discuss specific situations with licensed attorneys.Course highlights include: Definition of a community property (NRS 123.220) Tips for realtors to avoid lawsuits How transmutation and commingling alters the characterization of properties How titling documents do not necessarily control real property ownership
Find out more »State of Litigation, Nevada HOA Superlien Presentation
The mortgage industry in the state of Nevada remains in flux as Nevada courts continue to deal with the aftermath of the Nevada Supreme Court’s September 2014 decision in SFR Investments Pool 1, LLC v. U.S. Bank, N.A., where the Court held that under Nevada law, a properly noticed Home Owners Association (HOA) sale could extinguish a first deed of trust. Following the decision, lenders and servicers in Nevada have been heavily involved in litigation regarding the propriety of Nevada…
Find out more »What Real Estate Professionals Should Know About NV’s Medical Marijuana Program - General Credit CE Course
Inviting all Real Estate professionals for this one of a kind unique general credit CE course title "WHAT REAL ESTATE PROFESSIONALS SHOULD KNOW ABOUT NV's MEDICAL MARIJUANA PROGRAM." This unique CE course will give real estate professionals a brief overview of NVs medical marijuana program and how it can relate to your practice as a realtor.Course highlights include: Application Process Contract Considerations Things You Need to Have in Your Lease with an MME Property Relationship How to Get Your…
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